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project management

According to your needs, we will see your project through every step of the way, taking over budgeting and funding, planning and coordination and handling communication. A touch of art has taken on a wide variety of assignments, ranging from book projects to public sculptures, from exhibitions to managing communication platforms. We will make your project stand out. Our longstanding connections with the art world media, together with a well thought-out planning strategy, is our secret to a successful PR campaign that will get your project the exposure that it needs. 

coaching & consulting

A touch of art offers advice and coaching to those who want to grow and flourish themselves, but don’t always know where to start. We coach artists, galleries and non-profit organisations in using more effective communication strategies and show them how to stand out and increase their offline and online presence. Together we will examine your existing network to see how it can be expanded.

A touch of art offers targeted support to develop a concrete step-by-step plan based on your specific artistic aspirations and goals.



As an intermediary between the different parties of the art world, we will help you find the perfect match. Starting from your existing network we will look further afield to see which contacts, art spaces and galleries might be of interest to you. 

“My role as an intermediary is behind the scenes in quiet support of the art professional. Having said that, I can be
very loud when I need to be!”

— Roxane
De mazen van het net, P01, 2023.jpeg
Virginie Bailly - Angeln PO3  2023 ©Virginie Bailly.
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